Something I’ve Never Done Before- Breaking Barriers Challenge

I have always wanted to experiment with doing things differently or saying yes to trying things out to see what the outcome is.

In my art career I’ve tried my hand at photographing horses and enlarging the images onto large boards and then painting over them.

I’ve tried my hand at pottery, both throwing on the wheel and making large vessels with slabs.

I’ve tried my hand at realism when I painted a very realistic chair in a room with old walls with layers of peeling paint.

I’ve tried my hand at painting flowers on top of antique wallpaper I ordered from Etsy.

And I’ve tried my hand at showcasing my art at art fairs, galleries, and open studios I’ve put together on my own.

Each new thing I’ve tried has led me to discovering what I liked doing and what worked.

It also taught me the things that were just too much for me that I decided not to do them again.

And NOW, I’m trying something new which is a surprise. A challenge!

In my time working with thousands of artists inside my Art with Adele Academy, I have noticed that there are three common blocks people experience that stop them from creating their best art:

  1. Lack of time.

  2. Self-doubt and fear.

  3. Getting stuck and not knowing what to do next.

My passion is helping you grow as an artist and I don’t want any of these things to keep you from painting! That’s why I created a brand new FREE 4-day challenge called “Breaking through Barriers in Your Art” to help you break through these three barriers.

I’m going to be sharing with you simple, practical exercises and tools to help you overcome these blocks and create your best art. Plus you’ll get to watch me create a painting from beginning to end.

The challenge starts on March 19th and goes till March 22nd. You’ll get one video in your email inbox each morning and you can watch whenever you have time. Access is free but you need to register in order to receive the emails.

If you are interested, click here to sign up and be added to the challenge.

I can’t wait to share this with you!


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