Learn About Art Markers and Pens

What you might not know about me is that I love binge watching medical shows.

Whether it’s the drama of the patient being wheeled into the emergency room, or the emotional electricity in the operating room, both of these areas need to have everything organized to do the best job possible in every situation.

Because I’ve watched (and loved watching) actual surgeries and tv-produced shows, I notice just how the room is staged and where all the medical supplies are located.

In the operating room they usually have a table right next to the operating table with all the equipment the doctor will need laid out in a very organized way.

This organization is extremely helpful with time and efficiency.

We can take this idea as an artist and you can have your supplies laid out in front of you so you can easily see what you might need.

And doing this also helps us with our time and efficiency.

I already do this with my Color Charts, my Painting Guides, and anything else that will help me as a quick reference.

And I put them all in a binder and call it my Resource Library.

In my newest YouTube video out today I’m going to show you my reference sheet that I created using all the art markers and pens I have.

And I have a lot!

This helps reduce overwhelm and fear of beginning because you can glance at your "Markers and Pens" resource to choose the exact brand, size, and color marker you want.

Every blue oil pastel is not the same. Each manufacturer will have different colors and different properties.

Click HERE to go right to today’s video.

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel if you haven’t already because I want to get to 100,000 subscribers by the end of the year and you can really help.

Sending you a world of love,


* Click HERE to learn about the Art with Adele Academy.

* Click HERE to get my FREE minicourse, “Kickstart Your Abstract Painting.”


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